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Проектирование передающего устройства одноволоконной оптической системы передачи для городской телефонной сети

Работа из раздела: «Технология»


    Report 85 pages, 4 tables, 33 drawings, 14 sources.

    Optical filament, issue system, optical  coupler,  lazer,  transmitter,
principle scheme.

    Object of study are ways of increasing reception capacity  of  channels
fibre - optical issue systems by the way an issue of signals on one  optical
filament in two directions.
    Purpose of work -  a  determination  of  way  of  increasing  reception
capacity of channels,  approach  for  using  on  connecting  lines  to  town
telephone network. And development corresponding to a send device.
    Choose type one -  a  fibre  optical  issue  system,  is  designed  its
structured scheme, is designed principle a send device scheme.
    In the process of work is form review of methods of issue of signals on
one optical filament in two directions and is determined way  of  increasing
reception capacity of channels, apropriate for using on connecting lines  to
town telephone network.

ref.by 2006—2025