There are 44 universities (not counting the Open University) in Britain. Although the Goverment is responsible for providing about 80 per cent of universities income it does not control their work or teaching nor does it have direct dealings with the universities.The grants are distributed by the Secreta- ry of State for Education and Science. The English universities are : Aston (Birmingham), Bath, Birmingham, Bradford Bristol, Brunel (London), Cambridge, City (London), Durham, East Anglia ,Essex, Exeter, Hull, Keele, Kent at Centerbury, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham, Oxford, Reading, Saford, Sheffield, Southhampton, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick and York. The federated Univer- sity of Wales includes five university colleges, the Welsh National School of Medicine, and the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology.The Scottish universities are : Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Belfast, Glasgow, He- riot-Watt (Edinburgh), St. Andrews, Stirling, and Strathclyde (Glasgow).In Nor- then Ireland there is Queen"s University, Belfast, and the New University of Ul- ster in Coleraine. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and the Scottish Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All the other universities were founded in the nineteenth or twentieth centuries. There are five other institutions where the work is of university standard : the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology ; the two post- graduate business school which are supported jointly by industry and the Gover- ment - the Manchester Business School and the London Graduate School of Business Studies, associated with the London School of Economics and the Imperial College of Science and Technology ; Cranfield Inctitute of Technology for mainly post- graduate work in aeronautics and other subjects ; and the Royal College of Art. |