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Moscow power engineering institute (technical university)

-in brief - MPEI

Moscow Power Engineering Institute is state higher education institute and has the status of technical university. MPEI is well-known as one of the largest Technical Universities of Russia in the fields of power engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, informatics, computer science. It has modern educational and scientific laboratories, large experimental facilities, educational-scientific heat station, educational-scientific TV centre. It has the Special Design Bureau which deals with deep space communication systems, several centres of deep space communication in different regions of Russia. More than 1500 computers (large, medium and personal) and modern technological equipment are distributed through the MPEI Departments. MPEI is training the specialist for the foreign countries during 50 years and now the students of 68 countries are trained in MPEI. For large successes in training of high-qualified engineers and scientific researchers MPEI was officially awarded by two Russian orders and six orders of different foreign countries. Many famous foreign persons have got the education in MPEI:

Ion Iliesku, the President of Romania,

Li Peng, the Prime-Minister of the State Council of China,

Vladimir Dvorjecek, the Director of TESLA (Czekia).
Moscow Power Engineering Institute was founded at 1930 on the base of Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Moscow Technical University named after Bauman and of Faculty of Electrical Industrial Engineering of the Institute of National Economy named after Plekhanov. Now MPEI has the main residence in Moscow and three branches: in Kazan, in Smolensk, in Volzgskij. Total quantity of students in Moscow is about 20'000 The educational and research activity of MPEI is directed to training the Bachelors of Science, Engineers and Masters of Science in the very wide fields of modern Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science; There are several faculties:

Power Engineering Industry Faculty

Thermal Power Engineering Faculty

Industrial Heat Engineering Faculty

Electromechanical Faculty

Faculty of Electrical Equipment and Automatization of industry and transport

Electrical Power Engineering Faculty

Faculty of Automatics and Computers faculty of Electronics technologies

Radio Engineering Faculty

Power Physics Faculty
In accordance with MPEI`s Charter MPEI has the right to award to its` graduates the following academic degrees:

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Bch. Sc.);

Diplomized Engineer (Dipl. Eng.);

Master of Science in Engineering (Ms. Sc.);

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Physics (Ph.D.);
Duration of studding in MPEI is from 4 years (for Bachelors) to 9 years (for Doctors)

ref.by 2006—2025