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The political system of Ukraine

Ukraine is a republic. Legislative power belongs to the parliament that is called "Verkhovna Rada." The deputies are elected by secret ballot all over the country. They have meetings when they discuss the problems of the country and new laws. Ukrainian radio and television broadcast the meetings of Verkhovna Rada and everybody can learn what problems the deputies solve. Our people usually listen to the meetings of Verkhovna Rada. You can see and listen to radio sets, that are switched on, in many offices, in buses, in kitchens and many other places. They do not speak loudly and the people do their work and listen to the meetings. The leader of the Verkhovna Rada is called "Holova". He is elected by the deputies. Now the Holova is Alexander Alexandrovich Moroz. Besides, there is a President too. He governs the country with the help of his administration and the Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime-Minister. The first president of Ukraine was Leonid Makarovych Kravchuke. Now Leonid Danylovych Kuchma is the president of Ukraine. He is from Dniepropetrovsk and we are proud the fact. In each region there is regional Rada. It governs the region. In Dniepropetrovsk it is headed by Pavlo Ivanovych Lazarenko.
ref.by 2006—2024