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Русские, белорусские и английские сочинения
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Похожие работы на «14 сочинений на английском языке»

Urbanization and Urban Issues
Иностранные языки, Urbanization and Urban Issues , Рефераты ... rules, is it severe punishment for not obeying, is it conciseness that makes us behave in a certain way that we think serves its best for needs of ...
... told that we have to read books, by the time we were told so first time we probably had no idea what it was for, or we were told what courses we have ...

Smokers and Death cigarettes
Иностранные языки, Smokers and Death cigarettes, Реферат ... and put it on the bar in from of you, you"re making a statement about yourself, exactly as you do with the clothes you wear, the music you like, and ...
... I have every sympathy with the man who was so horrified by what he had read about the effects of smoking that he gave up reading." > "If you decide

Модальные глаголы
Иностранные языки, Модальные глаголы, Реферат ... наприклад: |The United States must conserve its | We |have to (hafta) |conserve | |resources. | |have got to |our | |The exam will count 50% of your ...
... X, but I didn't). I could have done swimming yesterday ( but I didn't) He should have waited before he jumped ( but he didn't ) Таким чином, ми можемо ...

How and why we learn English
Иностранные языки, How and why we learn English, Доклад Once he had pointed this out, it was obvious to everyone that an American English tradition was clear, and by accepting this fact it was no longer ...
Its similarities still predominate so it won"t be the case that if you learn British English you will have to use a dictionary when you go to the ...

Лингвистический фон деловой корреспонденции (Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence)
Иностранные языки, Лингвистический фон деловой корреспонденции (Linguistic Background of Business Correspondence) , Диплом и связанное с ним Crane, We would like to advise you that your order has been shipped on the SS Marconissa and should reach you within the next ten days.
... entitled to know how the mistakes will be remedied: when he will receive the goods ordered; what he is to do with the wrong consignment or the damaged ...

Методические указания и контрольные задания по английскому языку
Иностранные языки, Методические указания и контрольные задания по английскому языку, Контрольная ... have |have | | |Do you speak |is |V3ed |been Ving | | |English? |Ving |has |has | | |Does he work?|are | | | |Pa|V2ed |was | | | |st| |Ving |had V3ed ...
... V3-ed | | |Past| | ... | |Was |Was | | | | |V3-ed |being V3ed |Had been |-| | |were |Were |V3-ed |---- | |Futu| | | | | |re | ... | |Will be |-|Will ...

Контрольная по Английскому
Иностранные языки, Контрольная по Английскому, Контрольная I will have time for it. (if) I will read the article, if I have time for it.
... and is over at 6 p.m. When I come to the court I study documents, speak with people who ask for help and discuss the order of the day with the judge.

My ideal holidays
Иностранные языки, My ideal holidays, Сочинение I think we can call out our best qualities in marriage, if we control our physical wishes, for ex. to raise a hullabaloo or burst into tears.
... hardly fight back my tears, that"s why can easily say that I"m a weeper, but the worst for me to see my friend"s tears, not to speak of my sister"s ...

English topics
Иностранные языки, English topics, Шпора ... we now had to hitch hike because a lot of our money had gone on the boat and the train, but I thought 'Well, it's very early in the morning, we'll get ...
... as we got further south and it got warmer, you know, and we thought 'At last, the holiday's beginning.' Well, we camped that night and we then set off ...

Все топики по ENGLISH
Иностранные языки, Все топики по ENGLISH, Билеты ... we now had to hitch hike because a lot of our money had gone on the boat and the train, but I thought 'Well, it's very early in the morning, we'll get ...
... as we got further south and it got warmer, you know, and we thought 'At last, the holiday's beginning.' Well, we camped that night and we then set off ...

ref.by 2006—2022