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The Taming of the Shrew
Литература : зарубежная, The Taming of the Shrew, Реферат ... news, but being glad to get Katharine married, he answered that he would give her twenty thousand crowns for her dowry, and half his estate after his ...
... to her angry words, for they had agreed that she should seem reluctant before him, but that when they were alone he had found her very fond and loving ...

Уильям Теккерей: биография
Иностранные языки, Уильям Теккерей: биография, Реферат ... abuses he suffered at school became the basis for recollection in his essays, such as The Roundabout Papers, as well as episodes in his novels Vanity ...
... to lay a heavy hand on a young man who, I take it, has been cruelly punished by the issue of the affair, and I believe is hardly aware of the nature ...

Sir Henry Rider Haggard
Языковедение, Sir Henry Rider Haggard, Сочинение "She" takes a reader to the deepest interior of Africa, searching not for treasure but for treasure but for the secrets of a woman"s love.
... Holly was so ugly that the spruce young men of his College, though they were proud enough of his endurance and physical powers, did not want even to ...

Mark Twain
Иностранные языки, Mark Twain, Реферат For a girl of fifteen he paid twelwe dollars; for a woman of twenty-five - he paid twenty-five dollars; for a strong negro woman of forty - he paid ...
Sam decided he had had enough of such an unhappy life and went to work, as a "skilled printer of fifteen", for his brother Orion who managed a ...

Thomas More
Исторические личности, Thomas More, Реферат ... He marvels that More's" life with her is as pleasant and agreeable as if she had all the charm of youth, and with his buoyant gaiety he wins her to ...
... of the dangers of political life; he valued his freedom for family and writing, and he knew that giving up his lucrative law practice to enter public ...

First James
Исторические личности, First James, Реферат ... before consecration and papal promotion, and he stopped his churchmen from bargaining with Rome for these benefices, arguing with some justice that
The Queen was wounded in her efforts to save her husband, and it might have been better for Graham had he killed her too since he had gone this far.

Иностранные языки, Adjectives, Реферат ... for distance) - next (for order) late - later - the latest (for time) - last (for order) old - older - the oldest (for age) - elder - the eldest (for ...
... he had left Paris, it was as cold as in winter there. b) comparison of inequality (not so ... as, not as ... as) e.g. His skin was not so bronzed as a ...

Псловицы, поговорки английского языка. Их значение, употребление и русские эквиваленты
Иностранные языки, Псловицы, поговорки английского языка. Их значение, употребление и русские эквиваленты , Работа Научная But his father said that the devil was not so | |black as he was painted, and that Victor must try and take the examination | |again. | | | |20.
She at| |once made up her mind to tell her mother that she had broken her | |favourite vase. | | | |59.

Иностранные языки, Nelson, Реферат ... I can neither guess at, nor in the least account for" - but which may well have been connected with his enforcement of the Navigation Act Within a few ...
... rebelled, but it was too late for change, and he appeared reconciled to his lot when, early in 1803, he died with his wife and her lover at his side.

Иностранные языки, Театр , Рефераты But he took her love for granted and it was obvious that he wasn"t in love with her.
... when she was head over ears in love with him, but after she had fallen out of love with him, Julia had to exercise all her tact not to show him he was ...

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