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Biography of Che Guevara (Биография Че Гевары)
История, Biography of Che Guevara (Биография Че Гевары) , Рефераты ... in this life like helping out others to be free and to get their rights back from oppressive governments, and even though of his failure, his ideals ...
... taking his final exams from the university, he made a much longer journey: he visited Chile, where he met Salvador Allende, Peru, where he worked for ...

Уильям Теккерей: биография [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Уильям Теккерей: биография, Реферат Though his caricatures of his teachers got him into trouble sometime, he enjoyed his popularity in school due to his art.
... and forth between London and Paris - from the journalism that supported himself and his debtladen family, to his parents and children in Paris, and to ...

Thomas More [нестрогое соответствие]
Исторические личности, Thomas More, Реферат ... of the dangers of political life; he valued his freedom for family and writing, and he knew that giving up his lucrative law practice to enter public ...
... thence drawn on a hurdle through the City of London to Tyburn there to be hanged till he should be half dead; that then he should be cut down alive, ...

Alexander Solzhenitsyn [нестрогое соответствие]
Литература : русская, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Реферат ... to a so-called sharashia, where he spent four years; and later, during his exile, he was allowed to teach mathematics and physics, which helped to ...
... until 1961, not only was he convinced that he should never see a single line of him in print in his lifetime, but, also, he scarcely dared allow any ...

Ричард Бах [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Ричард Бах , Рефераты ... hardly ever admitted the full extent of the rage he must have felt for his own father, a very severe teacher who had tried through beatings to "make a ...
... by schoolboys and after this all the school was laughing at him.He understood everything and tried to change the attitude to this situation at last we ...

Einhard [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Einhard , Эссе ... far more greater things in life, and today one has the opportunity to study what kind of man Einhard was, what he"d done during his life, and why is ...
... others in court will read the biography.[xi] Einhard displayed his great intellect, and writing talent in his book The Translation and Miracles of ...

Sir Henry Rider Haggard [нестрогое соответствие]
Языковедение, Sir Henry Rider Haggard, Сочинение ... too good-looking, and, moreover, he had none of that consciousness and conceit about him, which usually spoils handsome men and makes them disliked by ...
This man fled from Egypt with a princess of Royal blood, who had fallen in love with him, and they were finally wrecked upon the coast of Africa.

Театр [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Театр , Рефераты He spared no effort to force managers to pay him the salary he thought he was worth, but if he couldn"t get it, he was prepared to take less.
... excuse and another, she invited him to grand parties she gave, persuaded Dolly and Charles to invite him to lunch, got invitations for him to balls.

Театр [нестрогое соответствие]
Искусство и культура, Театр, He spared no effort to force managers to pay him the salary he thought he was worth, but if he couldn"t get it, he was prepared to take less.
... excuse and another, she invited him to grand parties she gave, persuaded Dolly and Charles to invite him to lunch, got invitations for him to balls.

Биография Д.И. Менделеева [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Биография Д.И. Менделеева, Реферат ... place of the teacher of natural sciences, from him{it} there the small laboratory, the first laboratory, and there and then, near at hand - excellent ...
And it{he} cannot. became for him{it} a stage in a life, and this stage appeared already behind.

ref.by 2006—2022