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Похожие работы на «Travelling»

Темы по английскому за 9 класс
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 9 класс, Билеты №1 Traveling Many people like to travel because it is interesting, attractive & you can see new different places.
I certainly like to travel too, because it is interesting for me to see new countries & places This summer I have been in Turkey in small town ...

Туризм, Travelling, Билеты It keeps us from growing stale and old; it develops our imagination, it gives us that movement and change which are necessary to our life.
When we go travelling and sightseeing we see and learn all sorts of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in ...

Темы для экзамена по Английскому
Иностранные языки, Темы для экзамена по Английскому , Рефераты When we read fables we see people in the animals.
People travel not only to enjoy picturesque places, but also to see ancient monuments and other places of interest.

Темы английского для экзамена
Иностранные языки, Темы английского для экзамена , Шпаргалки When we read fables we see people in the animals.
People travel not only to enjoy picturesque places, but also to see ancient monuments and other places of interest.

14 сочинений
Иностранные языки, 14 сочинений , Рефераты Having watched the film, we decided that it was a time to go outside.
I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest.

Английские темы
Иностранные языки, Английские темы, Шпора Having watched the film, we decided that it was a time to go outside.
I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest.

14 сочинений на английском языке
Иностранные языки, 14 сочинений на английском языке, Having watched the film, we decided that it was a time to go outside.
I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest.

Темы по английскому за 10 класс
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 10 класс, Билеты The connection has huge value in the life of people and we have got used to it to such extent , that it there is no telephone we feel uncomfortable ...
... but despite of it we have got used to achievements of civilization that when we find out ourselves appear fare from them we do not know what to do and ...

Топики на английском языке
Иностранные языки, Топики на английском языке, Билеты During such hikes we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people.
When we go by car, we don"t take tickets, we put all things we need in a car.

English topics
Иностранные языки, English topics, Шпора This time tomorrow we'll be in Italy on the beach.' And I went down to see if the flight had been called and discovered it had gone.
... see, we now had to hitch hike because a lot of our money had gone on the boat and the train, but I thought 'Well, it's very early in the morning, we' ...

ref.by 2006—2022