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Похожие работы на «Самые богатые люди мира»

Самые богатые люди мира
Предпринимательство, Самые богатые люди мира, Доклад ... and Theo, Germany, dlrs 26.8, retail 4. Allen, Paul G., United States, 49, dlrs 25.2, Microsoft 5. Ellison, Lawrence J., United States, 57, dlrs 23.5, ...
... United States, 56, dlrs 20.7, Wal-Mart 8. Walton, Alice L., United States, 53, dlrs 20.5, Wal-Mart 8. Walton, S. Robson, United States, 58, dlrs 20.5, ...

History of the USA [нестрогое соответствие]
Языковедение, History of the USA, Доклад ... history of the Many peoples have contributed to the development of the United States of America, a vast nation that arose from a scattering of British ...
... 1818, the 49th parallel was established as the border between Canada and the United States from the Lake of the Woods to the Rockies, and in the Adams ...

Социальный и человеческий капитал как факторы благосостояния и развития [нестрогое соответствие]
Предпринимательство, Социальный и человеческий капитал как факторы благосостояния и развития , Диссертация и связанное с ней ... 1992 | | |1979 |1986 | |1986 | | |"престижный |9% |14% |15% |20% |37% | |частный" | ... |"средний частный" |4% |10% |13% |10% |8% | |"непрестижный |0 ...
,7 |-10 |-33,7 |27,3 |-54,4 | |"средний |1 |6,4 |9,7 |8,5 |15,5 |6,8 | |государственный" | ... | |2 |11,8 |15,1 |4,7 |34,4 |11 | Источник:

U.S. Economy [нестрогое соответствие]
Экономика, U.S. Economy, Статья ... many small cars and small pickup trucks are made in Japan and sent to the United States, large pickups and four-wheel drive sport utility vehicles are ...
CAPITAL, SAVINGS, AND INVESTMENT In the United States and in other market economies, financial firms and markets channel savings into capital ...

The United States of America [нестрогое соответствие]
География, The United States of America, Реферат ... 10-ЕЛ класу школи-ліцею №7 Подлубної Тетяни Вінниця 2001 PLAN 1. The USA 2. American symbols 3. The US government 4. What are americans fond of?
The United States is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own government.

Иностранные языки, BRITISH MONARCHY AND ITS INFLUENCE UPON GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTIONS , Диплом и связанное с ним ... in 1830 and used for Scottish and English processions), Queen Alexandra's State Coach (used to convey the Imperial State Crown to Parliament for the ...
... MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY In her role as Head of State The Queen is supported by members of the Royal Family, who carry out a wide range of public ...

Consequence of building the National Missile Defense [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Consequence of building the National Missile Defense , Доклад ... missile industry in other countries and the current political role of the United States in the world, and especially after the attacks of September 11 ...
... are very low, or do not exist at all (Ellis 1). Even though the United States government suspects that countries like North Korea and Iran or for that ...

Cold War [нестрогое соответствие]
История, Cold War, Диплом A new developing stage of relations with the United States has begun with the collapse of the Soviet Union on independent states.
... a "political force committed fanatically to the belief that [with the] United States there can be no permanent modus vivendi, that it is desirable and ...

Университеты Германии [нестрогое соответствие]
Культурология, Университеты Германии, Реферат ... Expansion And Structural Change; Higher Education In Germany, The United States, And Japan, 1870-1990 by Windolf, Paul ISBN 0813390087 Order-- click ...
... about 800 Затем я зашел на ссылку №9 - Higher Education in Germany Я попал на страничку электронной бибилиотеки: [pic] German's Highers Education. ...

The USA: its history, geography and political system [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, The USA: its history, geography and political system, Реферат ... are covered in more detail in chapter 4. In essence, the Constitution alleviated Americans' fear of excessive central power by dividing government ...
Puerto Rico became a self-governing commonwealth within the United States, and Hawaii became a state in 1959 (as did Alaska).

ref.by 2006—2022