Рефераты - Афоризмы - Словари
Русские, белорусские и английские сочинения
Русские и белорусские изложения

Формирование грамматических навыков на начальном этапе обучения иностранному языку

Работа из раздела: «Педагогика»

|                     |The receptive grammar|The reproductive grammar  |
|                     |skills               |skills                    |
|                     |Task 1    |Task 2    |Task 3  |Task 4  |Task 5 |
|Yura                 |3         |3         |2       |3       |3      |
|Tanya                |3         |3         |3       |3       |3      |
|Andrey               |3         |3         |2       |3       |3      |
|Maxim                |1         |2         |1       |1       |2      |
|Sasha                |2         |3         |1       |2       |2      |
|Misha Ag             |1         |2         |2       |2       |2      |
|Yana                 |3         |3         |3       |2       |3      |
|Dima                 |3         |3         |3       |2       |3      |
|Sveta                |3         |3         |3       |3       |3      |
|Zhenya               |3         |3         |3       |3       |3      |
|Natasha              |3         |3         |3       |2       |3      |
|Vova                 |2         |2         |2       |2       |2      |
|Tolya                |3         |3         |3       |2       |3      |
|Vasya                |3         |3         |2       |3       |3      |
|Misha Ab             |3         |3         |3       |3       |3      |

“1” - more than 3 grammar mistakes
“2” - 1-2 grammar mistakes
“3” - 0 grammar mistakes

   The results can be commented in levels.

80% - those children who have the receptive grammar skill

20% - those children who have a part of the receptive grammar skill

71% - those children who have the reproductive grammar skill

20% - those children who have a part of the reproductive grammar skill

9% - those children who have no reproductive skill

ref.by 2006—2022