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Belarussian music. Music Festivals

The music of every nation has its peculiarities which find expression in melody, rhythm and harmony. Belarussian music is on the upswing. A great many popular songs, operas and symphonics have been created by the world known composers such as Bogatyrov, author of “ In The Polesie Pushcha”. Vladimir Alovnov ( his song “ My dear homeland” has become the coal sign of the Belarussian Radio) The Belarussian vocal groups “Pesniaru” “Verasy” and “Syabry”, folk-song and dance group “Charoshki” have been a great success in Europe, the USA and Latin America. The annual musical festival “Belarussian Musical Autumn” can be regarded as the most prominent event of the Belarussian Philharmonic society’s concert season. On this occasion many prominent performers are usually invited to Minsk. The festival usually begins in November and lasts for a fortnight. The international festival of arts “ Slavyansky Bazar” in Vitebsk is one of the largest and most known abroad. By the decision of the International federation of festival organizations (FIDOF) " “ Slavyansky Bazar” in Vitebsk was recognized in 2000 " by a Festival of year ". Next, eleventh, the festival will pass from July 19 till July 27, 2002. Several symphonic and choral groups, many soloists are involved in the concerts of classical music. Foreign performers are take part in cultural life. It should be noted that the philharmonic societies leadership is doing its best to make the musical art accessible to abroad audience. Despite financial problems the prices of the tickets range and even the poorer groups of society are able to afford them.
ref.by 2006—2024