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The word "family" is asocial with warm tender relations between members of the family. It is very important when there is understanding among people in the family an consideration fortress such relations became possible when people in the family show other terms with ea-ch other, do many things tougher tall joys survive troubles & living friendly. Loving people gives you felling of happiness. But nowadays young People think that family can not consist only on love & understanding. The causal position & celery are important too. When you ha-ve a good education you can easily find good work. Also if you have own flat It is easily to make family. Now Young people understand that to make a family is there sires step in life & they to do everything for make their future family happy. In our family the relations are very good & friendly. But certainly, like in every family we have quarrels specially between me & my sister, but they are very shot & soon we again live in peace. In our family relations are build on an understanding each other .I there live my parents. My mother is very kindhearted women she always help me & my sister to decide my problems. My father is kind too but some times he is strict But I most of all like my sister's character, we are there friendly because we alike. I & me sister understand each other earthward. My family help me to live & to understand the world around me. & I very thank my parents.
ref.by 2006—2024