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The Lower East Side

The lower East Side was originali an ellegant neighborhood. When New York was the capital of the United States, Presedent George Washington lived on the Lower East Side. By the mid-1880s the Lower East Side had changed greatly. It was chracterized by crime and the poverty and hopes of it`s residents. By the mid-1800s the Lower East Side had become an area in which immigrants settled. First there were many Irish, then came many Jews from Easten Europe. Near the Lower East Side there are two other neighborhoods that also attracted immigrants and that are famous for their food.The Italian restaraurants of Little Italy remain popular to tourists and Italians alike. Today Chinatown is the only immigrant community that`s still growing. Chinatown has seven newspaper of it`s own. It also nearly 200 restaurants.
ref.by 2006—2022